The line, in the work, is free spontaneously creates movement whose gesture becomes music to suggest the intensity of the sign. The examples to which all this leads back are numerous, and of The myth, in the first place, which is not naive submerged memory, but represents the long journey of the spirit, participation in a 'experience ', substratum of every culture. The sign that stands as the protagonist and reaffirms in the marked individuality of the stroke, strength. The symbol that lives in the human culture in which all the products of the spirit are intercommunicating. The Myth Line is so complex it is myth-sign-symbol. philosophies tend to homologate the paths of art, the Myth Line rises to create its own metaphysical universe, open to contamination, denying the inviolability of ideologies, creates intersubjective relationships of fundamental historical and spiritual value. The Myth Line, in MAGNETISM, more 9 simply, 'the Line ', is present as an original symbolic meaning, product of a real empathy between the various cultural matrices. The 'Linear ' expressiveness becomes the ability to manifest, and to make felt, a world of senses: in which, in fact, the presence is expressive and communicative in its very being presence. The 'Line ' offers a potential for immediate understanding; It is an example of direct communication, without 'intermediate stations ', the message is sent directly to the interlocutor, a transmission of sensations, thoughts that the 'clean ' image transmits while still waiting for an action. common reaction to the artist and the observer. The sign becomes an encounter between artist and interlocutor è man's attempt to grasp the forms of being in 'essential ' forms, existential totality, in the experience of lived. The sign in the work of art is at the service of thought, which in turn is at the service of the Being that manifests itself in the form.